... My knees are not what they used to be. The weight of a thousand battles is heavy, and this I would not argue. But against the burden of even a single final notification to a praying family, it is a trifle: such painful sentiments are beyond what a body, never mind a soul, was meant to bear. When I close my eyes, I remember how their hands trembled. The tears in their eyes. Their pleading, even as their breath grew still. These things, I cannot tell their families. The very details of their ends are not what matter to loved ones in grief, but I cannot forget them. Near every night do I see these slackened faces of my comrades-in-arms, and some nights, I awaken screaming, begging, pleading as they had done, but for just a little more time even in those nightmares to have their hands in mine.In quiet moments I imagine that I hear their voices, and the heat of my shame swells in my breast as my weakness is made manifest. 'Fool. Coward. Murderer.' All of these things, as true to me as the sky above, though never did they say these words. Countless kind souls have assured me that the fault is not 'mine', that I have merely been dealt a poor hand. I have ever despised this sort of sentimentality. It feels a disservice to those who suffer for the difficult choices we make. As though the consequences of our actions are but the vagaries of fate.Should you make the same mistakes, I know that you will mark their lessons well. Fate is not for people like us. We learn from our mistakes, but these lessons do not come easily. You tire of this sentiment I am sure, but it is true: those who learn how it is to fall best know how to rise. Allow your mistakes to become the bedrock of your successes. On and on past the distant horizon your steps will lead, far beyond where my steps will end. I pray you walk with grace and confidence, and when prayers do not suffice, I will walk with you until the end. ...

...an overheard conversation...

Character basics: Age, 41. Apparent age, late 20s to early 30s. Birthdate, 6th Umbral 23 153X. Height, 5 fulm 11 ilms. Build, narrow muscular limbs and core with broad shoulders and hips in a slight hourglass figure; somewhat above average bust; thighs and calves, significant muscle. Facial 'scarring' over the entire right half, radiating from the hairline in curious, curving lines. When expressing, that side of her face does not move by itself.. . . common . . .。Charlotte is a veteran adventurer and soldier by the rank of Captain who fields as part of an irregular unit with the Order of the Twin Adder. If you're part of the same Grand Company, you might recognize her from her time in Gridania, or from her efforts leading a squad in the liberation of Ala Mhigo. If you fought at Ghimlyt, you may recognize her as one of the soldiers who fought near the front lines.。Are you an engineer in the know? Maybe you've heard of the miqo'te with a scarred face who seems to have a knack for machinery...。Mercenaries or former Imperial soldiers active between 1559 and 1569 may recall an exceptionally gifted young mercenary captain whose beauty was as renowned as her savagery. Tales of her violence against Imperials earned her a special nickname amongst Imperial regulars, and those who saw her in action found what they saw difficult to forget.... . . uncommon . . .。As a native Dalmascan, Charlotte's accent is slightly different than those regularly found in Eorzea. While it's been dulled by time, it may spring up in her voice when speaking with those whose voices bear accents native to those she would have heard growing up in Rabanastre and Lea Monde.。Around two years after the calamity, a heavily wounded Keeper ended up in the Carline Canopy, often sitting in the corner, her eyes distant. Despite her size, she always seemed to struggle to move, and as months passed, she could often be seen speaking quietly with Mother Miounne.... . . rare . . .。This character was involved in the Endwalker storyline alongside the Warrior of Light and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. You may recognize her if you were present in Sharlayan, Thavnair, Garlemald, or other such places during the events that took place. This is not expected, nor will she speak of it directly in public.。Are you an associate of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn? Well, then hers is a familiar face. Maybe you've never spoken to her, but you've surely seen each other in your comings and goings from the Rising Stones. Maybe you've even heard she shares the selfsame blessing as Krile, Arenvald, and the Warrior of Light themselves. Too, maybe you know or have heard she's one of those herself.。If you are from Lea Monde, you might remember the family name Schweizer. Perhaps they were a merchant family? You seem to recall that they might have been from a land across the sea. Or maybe you remember old Joachim Schweizer, a brash Eorzean who made friends and business partners easily. What ever happened to them...? They must have disappeared nearly ten years ago, now.... . . extremely rare . . .。'Charlotte Schweizer' is the name of the main protagonist from a series of Ivalician novels about a wandering warrior princess: 'The Adventures of the Princess Fair', 'Star of the Morrow', and 'What May Come'. Recognizing this name would require one to not only be aware of this incredibly rare work, but also that they be able to read High Ivalician text.。The horrors of the Battle of Carteneau touched everyone. Maybe you remember a woman who stood fast against the inevitable, her shield raised before the wounded as it all came to an end.

。If you complain about LGBTQ+, have fringe right-wing opinions, or are perfectly fine associating with these kinds of people, I don't want to talk to you.。Charlotte's actions are not my actions. Though it's said that characters are aspects of ourselves and so we might come to agree with the ways that they act at times, everything she does is motivated by in-character feelings and knowledge only. If you have any concerns about her behavior, let me know. RP is meant to be collaborative, and while I don't believe it's your responsibility to correct the behavior of others, I'm always happy to adjust how my character is acting (within reason) to not upset anyone.。I'm not interested in ERP with people I don't know or trust. I'm not looking for anyone OOC, and I'm not interested in being someone's "outlet".。Like so many other people these days, I use Discord and I'm available there for most of the day. Feel free to ask for my details! If I say no, it's not a 'no forever'. I tend to be careful with my OOC contact information, but I'm always happy to chat or roleplay on there once I get to know you better!。The art here was done by aadoris. Please pay a visit to their carrd if you'd like to commission them.